The location

YES Meet


Choose the best location for an event is among the main decisions to be taken by organizers: the correct choice is itself guarantee of great advantages.

YES Meet helps you to find the location which best suits for your Congress, Meeting, Convention or Incentive and is able to get the most competitive and favourable conditions.
Some venues give an event a different perspective attracting participants and enhancing their all round experience. 
If you prefere a modern business hotel or a quiet ancient building, a villa in country yard or a functional fairy centre, YES Meet will help you to find it and to obtain the best rates.

YES Meet is based in Sorrento (Italy) and offers all services you may need to organize your event in this beautiful city  or also in the neighbouring Isles of Ischia and Capri,or in Amalfi Coast or Naples..
But we have no limits and our work has no bondes. We can arrange for you the best conference all around Italy but also in Europe and worldwide!