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16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides


Scientific Topics

• Peptides in Immunology
• Antimicrobial peptides
• Peptide mimetics
• Peptides in Chemical Biology
• Peptides in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications
• Bioconjugation, Folding and Aggregation
• Peptides and Industrial applications: Peptide Showcase (*)

(*) Peptide Showcase is intended as brief (15 minute) presentations from companies developing peptide therapeutics and related technologies. This rapid and compressed format is designed for quick introduction between symposium participants to new technologies, and companies. Each presentation is structured to highlight the value of the technology or therapeutic being offered and the business strategy.

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Organizing Institutions

YES Meet 16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides
Registered office: Organizing Secretariat: YES Meet - Via S. Nicola, 4 - Sorrento [NA] - Italia
P.IVA 05876631218
Phone: +39 081 8770604 - Fax: +39 081 8770258 - E-mail:

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